Are imbalances in your body contributing to pain or discomfort?

Home / Advices / Are imbalances in your body contributing to pain or discomfort?

If you’re experiencing any kind of pain or discomfort in your body, chances are that there are some imbalances that need to be addressed. There are many factors that may be contributing to these imbalances, but one of the most important factors is nutrition from the diet.

Our bodies are self-regulating and have the tendency to maintain a stable, relatively constant internal environment through our body’s own feedback mechanism. While you may think that you’re getting enough nutrients from your diet, there may be reasons to believe that certain factors may be contributing to these nutrients not getting properly utilized or absorbed by the body. With a lack of important vitamins and minerals in your body, it is hard for the body to maintain those stable conditions; also called homeostasis.

In this article, we will be looking at simple ways to support digestion contributing to improved nutrient absorption.

Be mindful when eating.

You may have heard of the word “mindful” as it is being thrown around everywhere these days, but do you know what it truly means? Being mindful not only means paying attention to what you eat, but also when you eat it, who you eat it with, why, how and where you’re eating it. Learn more about mindful eating here.

Avoid eating on-the-go.

When you eat in a hurry, you are probably not chewing enough which is the first step to proper digestion. Being stressed may also contribute to an imbalanced digestive system as it affects the acid production in your stomach that helps activate important digestive enzyme to help break down food.

Avoid empty calories.

Always be mindful of what you are about to eat. Eating foods that contain very little to no nutritional value, serve as empty calories as they fail to nourish your body by providing essential vitamins and minerals. Most foods with little nutrition are also very high in calories which may be setting you back in your weight loss goals if applicable.

Avoid drinking cold water with meals.

Drinking cold water with your meals affects your digestive enzymes by slowing them down or inactivating them completely. Without proper enzyme support, your digestive system is overburdened and may not function properly in digestion of the foods you are eating.

Avoid drinking too much water with meals.

Drink only a few sips of room temperature water with meals if necessary. Drinking too much water is known to dilute your stomach acid which may contribute to improper digestion.

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