
Nutritional Plans


Sasha Nutrition

am currently a student of holistic nutrition at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (only two more months until certification!). Having struggled with being overweight most of my life, I am passionate about helping others reach their health and weight-loss goals.

While I struggled with my weight, I realized that there was so much information out there on diets that promised me to help lose weight in less than a month, but not much on how I should permanently change my way of eating and lifestyle to achieve those results. The problem with being on diets was that I lost water weight as soon as I started the program, but gained it all back once I got off of it. I’ve tried a lot of “diets”, and I found that most of them were not even sustainable.

My biggest hurdle was my mind. I believed that there was one perfect way which will help me shed the excess weight and then I could get back to living a “normal life”. With that kind of thinking, I wasn’t making any progress because I didn’t stick to anything long enough for it to work for me; because it just wasn’t THE diet.

With Sasha Nutrition (my initials are S.A.Sha), my goal is to educate clients that no one diet will work for everyone. Everyone is biochemically unique, and one thing that worked for someone else, may not necessarily work for them. I believe that keeping meals simple with healthy, whole foods and free of refined and processed foods, is a way of eating forever and not just for a period of time, like on a “diet”. While diet alone may get you some results, exercise is crucial for one’s overall wellness.

I also say “diet” in quotation marks because the word has gained such a negative connotation in the recent years and has been linked to being quick ways of losing weight by eating sparingly. A diet could also simply mean foods that a person regularly eats.

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